
You wanna be a super hero? Not UktheNuke. He just wants to be your average Joe. His parents named him after a spaceman who saved their planet Pisces 3 from nuclear destruction and he is now being bullied at school.

Years earlier Uklanders gave up their nuclear weapons and were promised their sovereignty would not be violated. When their evil neighbours the Huylanders invaded them, a spaceman called UktheNuke came to their rescue.

When he was killed by a sniper’s bullet the name UktheNuke went into Uklander’s folklore history. Films were made about him, comics started to appear and children were named after him.

Uklanders recovered their territory, but the present-day UktheNuke was not bothered by all this historical stuff. He was more concerned about the here and now.

Like he said to his mum when he came home with a blood-stained shirt: “It doesn’t stop the Huylander bullies beating the shit out of me at school”.

Being brought up by his mum, she never told him why his father left them. “He had his reasons,” she kept telling him.

His mission was to find his father and ask him the burning question: “Why did you name me after a super hero?”

There was a reason, and he was going to find out.

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Playwright Tony Leliw